I went to Boston first to visit my friends, Emma and Sasha, and one of my sisters! On Tuesday though I came back home to Chicago to spend the end of my break at home. I'm really glad I got to break it up because I loved visiting Boston, but I was also kind of homesick so I loved being able to hang out with my mom and stepdad again, because I'm really close to them.
Here are a few pictures from Boston though! We went to a bunch of bookstores, Brookline Books was really awesome, the first floor was a regular bookstore (that had an amazing selection, one of the best I've ever seen) and then the basement was used books! We also saw the Vagina Monologues at Boston University. It was really good, haha if a little uncomfortable at times, but it was done fantastically and ultimately so worth seeing.
Brattle Book Shop is an outdoors bookstore of used books and was really cool (even though it was a little cold)

Boston is such a cool city! It is really old and has more history than the majority of America's cities (History is my favorite subject). The streets and buildings are beautiful too, I live outside of Chicago, which has a much different type of feeling to it. My college is also outside of Philadelphia, which may be historical as well, but Boston felt much cleaner to me and more sophisticated I guess. I would love to live in Boston one day. I kind of fell in love with it while I was there and it has so many coffee shops and bookstores. It's now a small goal of mine to live there for part of my life and I'm so jealous of people living there now.
I promise I'll be posting some reviews soon!!!
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