Friday, March 20, 2015

Insurgent Movie Review

So today I saw Insurgent with my friend Sasha. My biggest regret was not rereading the book. I read it about two years ago and to be honest it was my least favorite book of the series. That's mainly what I remember, that I was bored and it took me awhile to finish. I barely remember what happened in it except vaguely the ending, I really should have reread it before seeing the movie.

I'm not sure how I feel about the movie actually. A lot of it I was like "Did that happen in the book?" I don't think it was bad exactly, but I didn't really enjoy it that much either. There was a lot of CGI and you could tell what was green screen, which just got old. Except Four was beautiful! I never tied of seeing him. Theo James made the movie for me. Miles Teller was also really good, he was the comic relief at times. I didn't have much of an opinion on Shailene Woodley, except that her hair bothered me and was not how I pictured it. They also took out all of her PTSD which bugged me because that's part of her character. She had no hesitancy in picking up a gun and wasn't afraid of intimacy!


They had sex! We were really confused on that because it didn't happen until the third book but it did happen, so that was a bit odd.


Sorry if this is a bad review but my thoughts about the movie were mainly really unsure on what to think. It just didn't do much for me and I feel like they changed a lot, but I don't know for sure cause I don't remember the book! But Theo James was hot and muscular so see it for him!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, (I'm from Germany. so sorry for my english) I'm here because of Sasha and I love your Blog so far :3
    I thought the same things as you during the movie. I didn't read the Book again and It was also my least favorite. So your review is actually nice to read, because I thought I'm the only one thinking like that. But Theo was hot yes! And I loved Miles Teller in the movie too. Oh and Shais hair wasn't that nice in the movie, you're right!
